Trusted Mortgage Route Advisor for Moving Home Mortgages

Get expert mortgage advice from Mortgage Route Advisor. Let's find the perfect mortgage for you together. Contact me today!

I offer Moving Home mortgage advice to help clients navigate the complexities of securing a mortgage when buying a new home.

As a free independent mortgage advisor with access to the whole of the market, I provide reliable and trustworthy guidance to support clients through the process.

With flexible evening and weekend appointments, as well as the option for online meetings, I ensure that clients receive the personalised assistance they need to make informed decisions. Additionally, I offer post mortgage offer support to guarantee a smooth shift into their new home.

How Much Do I Charge?

Nothing. I am a 100% free mortgage and protection advisor. You will never have to pay me a penny.


All my appointments can be completed over Zoom or Teams, with weekend and evenings available.


You can have confidence in your mortgage application being successful. I carefully ensure you meet the lenders criteria.


I always make myself available to answer questions throughout. Even after you recieve you mortgage offer I am happy to help.

What happens to your mortgage when you move?

In the majority of cases, your old mortgage is cleared off from the sale of your property, and a new one is started on your new home. Sometimes it differs slightly, but it is my job to explain these types of questions so don’t be afraid to ask.

Moving house - Mortgage process

This is normally the same as any other mortgage, simply find the best deal available and when move in day arrives, your outstanding mortgage is cleared off, and you begin a new one. If your current mortgage is still fixed we may be able to ‘port’ it (transfer it) to your new home, and if necessary take out an additional mortgage to cover any shortfall if you are moving to a more expensive property. This way you can avoid any early repayment charges.

stacking boxes is easy but is the Moving house mortgage process

How It Works

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Dive into our latest blog, “Understanding the Basics of Mortgage Interest,” to master your mortgage! Learn how different rates affect your payments and discover strategic tips for securing the best terms. Join us to navigate your mortgage journey with confidence.